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I work as a visual artist as well as a strategy and innovation executive. 
I continuously create my works in an uninterrupted way, which involve different artistic disciplines: video and sound installations, photography, intervened photographs, paintings, collages, mixed media, animations, sculptures and murals.
I explore human nature and the relationship with Nature, the spaces we walk through in life, spaces of continuous transformation and dynamism. Both, essences that cannot be formulated only in intellectual terms. A feeling that existence means more than we think. In the same space serenity and chaos, freedom and prison, relief and despair, balance and chaos. Everything necessary to evolve.

I work traveling to natural places, in contact with wildlife during expeditions, and in my studio in Buenos Aires. I am passionate about nature, religions and worldviews, ancient and current civilizations, ancestral customs, human behavior and inner development.
In 2000, I started studying creative photography and visual arts with Rodolfo Lozano (film director, publicist, artistic photographer) individually and in his creative art lab. I also attended, from 2016 to 2020 Ananké Asseff's weekly artwork analysis lab and during 2019 Adriana Ablín's weekly painting workshop.
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During 2014, two works (Open Sky and In Transit) were selected by the National Academy of Fine Arts and the National Salon of Visual Arts in Argentina and over the years I participated in individual and collective exhibitions in Buenos Aires

2014 - Work of the series "In transit", selected in the 103rd National Salon of Visual Arts Palais de Glace - 2014
2014 - Work of the series "A cielo abierto", selected by the National Academy of Fine Arts - Francisco Ayerza 2014 - Museum of Plastic Arts Eduardo Sívori Individual exhibitions
2011 - Oxygen - APDEBA Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires - Curator Rodolfo Lozano

2010 – Oxígeno – Fotogalería Laurak Bat – Curador Rodolfo Lozano
Salon Nacional de Artes Visuales 2014
Museo Bellas Artes Sivori 2014

Nature is indomitable, unpredictable. You only need to sit for a long time to realize that nothing that happens around you is predictable. And in that uncertainty I find a lot of peace, love, reflection and many sensations.
In Nature, what is new takes centuries, and what is old remains longer than human life. There is always something new: where there was a volcano, today there is jungle, where there was jungle, today desert, and so on in every ecosystem. And observing this, I can't help but imagine the magnitude of the changes, seconds of force, to change the landscape suddenly.

Thanks to the dozens of people who explained to me, answered my questions. They dedicate their lives to understand a part of a fantastic whole, leaving their contribution to knowledge, passionate, with their time and energy, which is the only thing we have. The explanations are incredible, there are thanks to them and I love to listen to them.
I can only be there for a while, observing in silence, doing some activity and looking at details, a part of it, through the camera, to try to capture some of it and share it later. I am aware that capturing refers to only one sense, vision. To share everything that happens, I think I will not be able to do it, because the 5 senses are activated in presence.

What I observe is part of a dynamic, Nature, Civilizations and what they left behind. A dynamic that I feel is greater than I can count, thousands of species, rocks, etc. all together. Asking questions, finding answers. Sometimes.

I prioritize a place because of a feeling of the moment, or a curiosity I carry from childhood, and for many other reasons, but that's where I want to go. The impact that being there has on me, generates a lot of sensations and imaginations and reflections, in my head and in my heart. Nature, art, life come together in my feelings. When I was a kid I used to watch documentaries, read nature magazines and say to myself: "to be there".

In front of Nature, I feel part of the unknown and part of it, I am in the place that Nature put me and gives me air every day, and yes, in an instant of that continuous transformation, which is the one that touches me.
Thanks to those who shared trips, my brothers, friends and the people I crossed, everything is integrated.

"Viva la vida"

Claudio Alejandro Logaldo
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