"...Forces. Context. Impulse. Structures. Boundaries. Areas. Functions. Speak. Doubt. Think. Believe. And again. Movement. Hive. What's behind it all?
The formula of freedom. Finding one's own formula—beneath it all.
Beyond the formula to survive..."
Claudio Logaldo
Photographs: 64 – 22cm x 28cm / Direct shots of seagulls (Patagonia, Argentina) and Arachnids (Chapada dos Veadeiros, Brazil). Photographs are painted with ink.
Mural: 8 x 8 (185x250 cm)
Video installation: Continuous repetition / Video duration: 2:42 / footage of a colony of arachnids in Brazil. Projection on hanging fabric panels, with small fans causing movement.

Video installation
Video Production (film & edition) : Claudio Logaldo
Sound edition: Claudio Logaldo
Requirements (minimum)
Fabric panels: (4) 1m x 3m each• Laser Projector • The assembly design will be made according to the space. • Audio equipment: 4 sound boxes / Servers for screen mapping.
Photographs painted in detail